Thursday, December 15, 2011

How long does a typical love making session last for you?

I'm particularly interested in couples who have been married for a while or who have been in a monogomous relationship for a while.

How long does just a typical session of sex take for you. Not like, a special one, like on Valentine's Day or one of your birthdays, but just a typical one.

The reason I ask, I'm getting married soon and am still a virgin (23 years old) and I'm just curious what to expect. My husband to be is 30 and is not a virgin.

Thanks.|||just about 20 to thirty minutes sometimes 45 minutes really depends on the time and how tired we are!|||the first year or two are great! and it typically lasts 45 min. but then, after u get to really know each other, its slowly starts to dwindle away until u feel like ur in an incestuous relationship and ur partner feels more like a brother to u.. good luck|||Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years. And it depends on how often we do it. If it has been awhile then he will not last that long, probably about 15 minutes. But normally its about half an hour. You can switch up positions and try different things which will also make it last longer.|||Congratulations!

I have been with my boyfriend for a little over 2 years now. We have only had sex maybe ten times since my birthday last October, and the first 2 or 3 times didn't last very long (including oral, it was probably only a half hour or so). I think it will be short the first couple of times because you're getting to know each other's bodies, and it will take a little bit to figure out what you both like. My advice is, take it easy, go slow, and just enjoy. Since he's not a virgin, this is probably going to be easier for him than it is for you. You'll learn quick, though - I did! :)|||my husband and i have been together for 5 years married for 2 years.. and when we're together, it usually last 35-45 minutes or so.. he's 30 and im 25.

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