Thursday, December 15, 2011

Is it ok to skip a breastfeed session to pump instead?

I'm going back to work on September 3rd and I need to start stocking up on pumped milk as I still plan to continue breastfeeding even after I go back to work. While I'm at work he's going to drink expressed breastmilk that I've frozen. Is it ok to skip a normal breastfeeding session to pump instead? I'm worried that this is going to affect my milk supply and today is the first time I've done this.|||yes it's okay. I always pumped in the morning too, when my breasts were full. I fed my baby from one breast and pumped from the other.|||yes it will be ok|||i would suggest getting up at night and pumping also bottle feed a couple of times a day to get him used to it, so i guess the answer is yes|||skipping a session or 2 here and there is fine. it wont effect your supply that only happens if you stop brestfeeding all together|||As long as there is a demand for the milk, him nursing or you pumping, your body will still keep it coming. Some women do "dry-up" but pumping isn't going to cause this because your body doesn't recognize that it's you pumping and not him feeding. Good luck and all the best to you and your little one!|||if you really concerned u could always pump on on side while feeding on the's very affective|||You could also BF then pump afterwards..this will help build up your supply. My son was in the NICU they said no matter what to pump or BF EVERY 3 hours to help get my supply built up and that was round the clock.|||I pumped for my daughter after repeatly trying to get her to breast feed. We could not make it work and was not worth the stress. But the breast milk was worth it. So I pumped, it only lasted about 2 1/2 3 months and I ran dry and had to put her on straight formula. The baby sucking stimulates the breast in a way that a pump just can't. Once you start pumping your milk may start to fade. At least your baby had its benifits up til then. At least you tried to do the beast you can, thats all that we can do for our children. Good luck!|||You'll be fine. I would say 15 minutes on each side or more or less depending on how long your child nurses.

If you're going back to work, it's probably a good idea to start to wean your baby to a bottle too. If your want to continue to breastfeed your baby though when you're home at night and in the mornings, then I would have your husband try bottle feeding him between. Your baby will be less likely to reject the bottle if it's not Mommy giving it to him.

The more you pump and up the frequency your milk supply will increase making it easier for you to stock pile expressed milk. Also if you have any concerns call your childs doctors office. Most big offices have a lactation consultant on staff.

Good luck!

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