Thursday, December 15, 2011

What happens during the first therapy session with a therapist/psychiatrist?

I have been suffering low self esteem/shyness almost my entire life. I am 24 years old and I feel like it's taking over my life. I know the sessions are expensive, but I feel like I need the help. What happens during the first session? I am so nervous. Also, when do they prescribe the medicine? usually on the first session?|||The first session is usually checking what the problem is (sometimes using forms and questionaires) and how serious it is. Pills aren't prescribed immediatly, as the therapist needs to find out if you can manage without, which is usually prefered|||I have been to a few therapists and psychiatrists, so I am quite familiar with the process. It is nothing to be scared of, and you should be proud that you want to better yourself! When you get there, you will fill out some medical forms, if they don't send them to you before hand, a questionnaire about what you are feeling. It is usually a chart that ranks how stressed out you get when you deal with said activity. When you actually get into the office, they will ask you why you are there and may go over some of your answers from the sheets they gave you before. They may ask you what you want out of therapy, and they will asses your situation according to their style. If they feel that you need medication, they will tell you what they think you should be taking and go over the side effects and the basic chemisty of the drug. In both psyciatrists that I went to, I walked out with a perscription and samples of the drug to start taking it right away. Hope this helped!|||Lucky I have never heard of a medication for low self esteem. All the treatment for such things are through sessions (personal and sometimes with a group). You need not worry about the horrible stuff that comes with medication: side effects.

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