I am a mother of a 10 week old baby boy. He has only received breast milk since birth. Due to compications, I have had to pump and feed out of a bottle. I want to start freezing milk so that I can have a stock pile when I return to work. How can I increase the milk I pump in a session (currently pumping 4 - 6 ounces) so that I can have enough fresh to feed him and extra to freeze.|||I agree with Nicole. I, too, have only been able to pump breastmilk and feed by bottle. My baby was born January 8th, and I've been pumping since. If you pump say every 2 hours you will make WAY more than he needs and then you can start freezing it. I started out pumping every 2 hours for 20 minutes at a time when my baby was still in the hospital and I got around 35 oz in a 24 hour period. I then went down to every 3 hours for 15 minutes at a time and I still got around 25-30 oz in a 24 hour period. The more you pump, the more milk you will make. That means you will have to be getting up every 2-3 hours at night to pump even if your baby is sleeping through the night, if you skip pumping sessions, then you will decrease your milk supply. If you have any questions, you can always contact me. I'm a stay at home mom so for the past 5 months I've been pumping every day every 3-4 hours. It's very time consuming, but if I can give my baby a healthier start with her immune system, I'll do what I can! Good luck!|||How often are you pumping now? You'll just have to pump more frequently, which will kick up your supply into highgear. If you're pumping every two hours, then start pumping every hour. If you're pumping every three hours, then pump every two hours instead. You can go back to your regular routine after a couple weeks or so of pumping at more frequent intervals. Once you go back to your normal routine you should be able to pump a lot more per session. Just make sure you pump until the last drop has dripped! 4-6 ounces sounds normal, so you will have to work hard for awhile to kick up your supply.|||1. pump more frequently
2. pump longer (at least 5-10 minutes after the milk stops coming out)
3. lots of water ... and then some more water
4. fenugreek, blessed thistle, oatmeal, yeast to increase supply
5. pump at night! this increases supply phenomenally.
6. try the 10-10-10 method. pump 10 min, stop for 10 min, pump again for 10 min.
realize that not everyone can pump 8 or 10 oz in one sitting - i think the most i've been able to do regularly is about 6 oz on one side and 3-4 oz on the other side, and thats a 45 min pumping session.|||try to pump as often as you can ,not only when your breasts feel full - doctors recommend every 2 hours. eat nutritious meals and get plenty of rest.But it still didn't work for me though - i had to supplement with formula because my body would not produce enough milk no matter how hard i tried.( might be genetic, who knows) i never tried lactation teas, not sure ig they work. supposedly they increase breast milk supply.|||Wow, this is great. 4 - 6 ounces is really great! I wish I could do that naturally.
I use an herbal lactation tea that has really helped me so much. Before starting it, I was only able to pump less then one ounce at a time, both breasts. After a few weeks of drinking Breastea, I was pumping 4 - 5 ounces at a time. You might want to look into it at breastea.com
Also, don't forget about the nighttime pumping or feeding. Don't go over four hours during the night without doing one of them.
Good luck! Sounds like you are doing a great job.|||Try eating more before you pump, like 1-2 hours before you pump. Eating more calories will help you produce more milk.
Best of luck!!|||The more you pump, the more you will make. Just keep pumping like every hour, and you will make tons of milk!!!|||honestly your probably not gonna approve of this but actually drinking a can of beer can produce more milk!!|||Well first of all, pumping only gets half the milk out, so it is important you have a huge supply. I exclusively pumped for my son due to so many problems. You can expect a natural drop in your supply due to the reduced stimulation anywhere from a few months to 9-12 months. I got the drop about 6 months. So the key is to maintain an over supply so a drop will not be so dramatic and when you do start losing your supply, your baby will still have breast milk. Also, as soon as you can, if its possible, get your baby on the breast.
Now as far as increasing the supply with each session...
When you are pumping be sure to massage downward toward your nipple to push the milk out. It may also help beforehand to take a hot shower, or use a hot rag (not too hot though) and place it on you breasts to stimulate let down. Also, try pumping near your baby or at least with a picture of him or thoughts about him. Also, when all the milk has ome out, continue pumping for 5 minutes afterward, because sometimes it stimulates more milk to come out, or at the very least it will tell your breasts that you aren't making enough milk, and thus will increase production. Also, be sure to pump every 2 hours during the day, no less. And pump about every 3 hours at night, 4 max. Also, make your self very comfortable and relaxed and drink a glass of water or juice before pumping so you are well hydrated. Also keep your self well hydrated (especially water) and well fed through out the day.
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